Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love and hate you, tomorrow. You're only a day away.
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30 April 2011
29 April 2011
Visitor From Heaven
A visitor from Heaven
If only for a while.
The gift of life to be returned
We think of you and smile.
A visitor from Heaven
Accompanied by grace
Reminding of a better love
And of a better place.
With aching hearts and empty arms
We send you with a name.
It hurts so much to let you go
But we're so glad you came.
We're so glad you came
A visitor from Heaven
If only for a day.
We thank Him for the time he gave
And now it's time to say.
We trust you to the Father's love
And to His tender care.
Held in the Everlasting Arms
And we're so glad you're there.
We're so glad your there.
With breaking hearts and open hands
We send you with a name.
It hurts so much to let you go
But we're so glad you came.
We're so glad you came.
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14 April 2011
12 April 2011
Stillbirth Research and Awareness Act of 2011
Rep. Peter King Introduces Stillbirth Research and Awareness Act of 2011

March 25, 2011
CALL FOR HOUSE CO-SPONSORS! All MISS members must contact their U.S. House of Representative requesting their co-sponsorship of H.R. 1037 – the Stillbirth Research and Awareness Act of 2011. The best method is to call your Congressperson’s office and ask to talk to the staff member who deals with Health issues. Tell the staff member that you want your Congressperson to co-sponsor H.R. 1037 – the Stillbirth Research and Awareness Act of 2011 and would like to send them an e-mail. Request their e-mail address and send them an e-mail. Here's an example
Dear (staffmember),
My family would be honored if Rep. (Name) would co-sponsor H.R. 1037 – the Stillbirth Research and Awareness Act of 2011 by Rep. Peter King. We lost our son/daughter in the 40th week of pregnancy and it devastated our family. Every year, more than 25,000 children die of stillbirths and half of those are undiagnosed. The bill would help further stillbirth research to potentially help future parents not suffer the horrible loss that we had to endure. Please help all future parents by co-sponsoring H.R. 1037 and I look forward to your response.
(Your Name)
(Phone number)
Please familiarize yourself with the Congressional grassroots instructions and federal stillbirth legislation at The site also has a link to find out who represents you in the U.S. Congress and their contact information. Please e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for any assistance.
-taken from the M.I.S.S. Foundation's "Missing Angel Bill" website
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11 April 2011
For A Friend
A friend of mine, who has always been supportive in my loss, has lost her baby today. Please say a prayer or two for her. God knows who she is even if you don't. Oh the heartache! Dear friend, I am so so sorry you have joined this awful club. Just remember where your angel is and try to find some comfort in that thought. You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
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07 April 2011
For Shame
I have always supported PeTA. I think them a bit extreme, but over all they do great things for animals and I very much appreciate that. However, they have recently done something unspeakable. Since it is being blogged about on many, many other blogs I will simply share a link to a post that discusses this unspeakable act. Please visit The R House's post "PETA: People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals But not Infertile People".
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02 April 2011
Symptoms Of Grief
1. Hyperactive or under active
2. Feelings of unreality
3. Physical distress such as chest pains, abdominal pains, headaches, nausea
4. Change in appetite
5. Weight change
6. Fatigue
7. Sleeping problems
8. Restlessness
9. Crying and sighing
10. Feelings of emptiness
11. Shortness of breath
12. Tightness in the throat
1. Numbness
2. Sadness
3. Anger
4. Fear
5. Relief
6. Irritability
7. Guilt
8. Loneliness
9. Longing
10. Anxiety
11. Meaninglessness
12. Apathy
13. Vulnerability
14. Abandonment
1. Overly sensitive
2. Dependent
3. Withdrawn
4. Avoid others
5. Lack of initiative
6. Lack of interest
1. Forgetfulness
2. Searching for the deceased
3. Slowed thinking
4. Dreams of the deceased
5. Sense the loved one’s presence
6. Wandering aimlessly
7. Trying not to talk about loss in order to help others feel comfortable around them
8. Needing to retell the story of the loved one’s death
1. Be patient with yourself. Do not compare yourself to others. Go through mourning at your own pace.
2. Admit you are hurting and go with the pain
3. Apply cold or heat to your body, whichever feels best.
4. Ask for and accept help.
5. Talk to others
6. Face the loss
7. Stop asking “Why?” and ask “What will I do now?”
8. Recognize that a bad day does not mean that all is lost.
9. Rest.
10. Exercise.
11. Keep to a routine.
12. Introduce pleasant changes into your life.
13. Know that you will survive.
14. Take care of something alive, such as a plant or a pet
15. Schedule activities to help yourself get through weekends and holidays.
16. Find someone who needs your help.
17. Accept your feelings as part of the normal grief reaction.
18. Postpone major decisions whenever possible
19. Do something you enjoy doing.
20. Write in a journal.
21. Be around people.
22. Schedule time alone.
23. Do not overdo.
24. Eat regularly.
-taken from Grief Watch
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