20 August 2008

First Due Date Anniversary

If things had gone the way we planned you would be turning one year old some time around today. Learning how to walk. "Momma" and "Daddy"ing. But, it was not meant to be. Still, it's hard not to think about what might have been.

Oh how the absence of your giggles and cries hurts our ears, and our hearts! How we've ever made it through to this far is beyond me. We notice you not being there the most when we're around family. Someone is missing. How wonderful that they all have you for an angel though!

We remember you this time of year, dream about a non-existent present, and know how happy you must be with the view you have from where you are. A visual view and a spiritual view only someone like you can have.

We love you and miss you every single day. We can't wait to hold you in our arms once more.


paula said...

I was thinking about you guys this week...thinking the same thing as I stood at our sweet Ashlee's grave on Monday and sang Happy Birthday to her. The photo you put to the side of you at Livy's grave speaks so loudly and brings tears to my eyes. I wish I could take your pain away friend. Love you-

Mandy said...

We are so lucky to have such a beautiful angel to watch over our family. I know Olivia is closer than we think, and I hope she knows how much we love her.

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